Monday, November 17, 2008

A bit of work done again...

Unfortunately due to lack of time in the end of last week as well as this weekend I've not been able to do as much I wished to. Despite that some work has been done on the model. I have finished another 2 half floors and started on the final floor to be done. This one is a bit more complex then all the others due to the fact that it is partially open to house a terrace. Tomorrow I will hopefully be able to work on that and finish that floor as well, which would mean that except for some rework that needs to be done the outer shell is mostly finished.

I have made a quick render of the current state of the project. This time only one from the backside as there have been no changes to the front of the model at this time. Except for a temporary roof that I placed there.

A while ago I posted an estimate of the number of parts needed to build the outer shell. Not that I've gotten a bit further on the model I rechecked to current number of parts and there are around 24.000 parts in the model already, without the last floor being completed at this point. The previous estimate mentioned an expected 22.000 to 25.000 parts, which most likely I'm going to exceed. Considering the current partcount and the work to do before the outer shell is finished, I think the final part count for the outer shell will be around 28.000 to 30.000.

I will post an update on the project as soon as I have the last floor finished. See you next time.


  1. Hey martijn, very cool! is the guy standing outside also smoking a LEGO cigarette?

  2. Unfortunatly it appears like there are no Lego cigarettes, but it is me indeed, with my other addiction, coffee!
